Paul Krugman: The ECB, OMT, and Moral Hazard


Back in 2011 and again in the summer of 2012, a number of economists pleaded with the European Central Bank to intervene in sovereign bond markets, buying troubled nations’ debt to stop the “doom loop” of plunging bond prices and financial distress that was pushing the euro to the brink. The objection from austerians was always that this would create moral hazard: it would let countries off the hook, and lead them to slack off on their belt-tightening.

In the end, however, the prospect of imminent collapse concentrated the mind. First through the LTRO lending program, then with the promise to do “whatever it takes”, including Outright Monetary Transactions, the ECB did intervene or at least promise to intervene.

And sure enough, there turns out to be a problem of moral hazard — but not the kind everyone warned about. Instead, the people who ended up being left (temporarily) off the hook were the austerians themselves, who took the narrowing of spreads — which was the result of the ECB’s new activism — and took it as proof that austerity was working.

Via Mark Thoma, Francesco Saraceno marvels at the European Commission’s response to the Portuguese political crisis; the Commission praises the government’s determination to impose austerity no matter what the courts say, because austerity is producing “growing investor confidence in Portugal”. Say what? Well, pretty obviously they’re referring to the narrowing of interest rate spreads.

The point is that this narrowing of spreads has nothing to do with austerity. As Paul De Grauwe points out, the amount by which a country’s interest rate spread against Germany has narrowed is fully explained by how big its spread was at the peak of the crisis — there is essentially no indication that policies mattered at all:

(OK, if you squint really hard you can maybe find that Ireland has done a bit better than one might have expected, but the point stands).

Yet the Commission has chosen to claim credit for this narrowing of spreads — it is, after all, the only good news they have to show for three years of austerity — and claim that it would go away if there was any relaxation of the pain.

So as I said, there is some clear moral hazard here; the ECB’s intervention has let some people off the hook, and encouraged them to continue with bad policies. But the people in question aren’t spendthrift governments, they’re pain-inflicting troika members, who have been given license to keep on inflicting pain.

The ECB, OMT, and Moral Hazard –

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2 Responses to Paul Krugman: The ECB, OMT, and Moral Hazard

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